Encryption with the One-Time Pad

December 20 2022
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Cryptography is the discipline of scrambling secret messages so that unintended (and presumably malicious) recipients cannot read or modify them. It has an impressive pedigree that stretches back to early recorded history. Rulers, government officials, generals, spies, and even lovers have used it to communicate secret information. Our computers use it to secure data and Internet communications. Internet commerce would be impossible without cryptography: How could we safely send sellers sensitive personal information and credit card numbers if we couldn't hide them from thieves listening to our messages?

Given that computers and the Digital Age aren't even a century old, the majority of cryptography's history involved ciphers (message scrambling and de-scrambling techniques) that were calculated or operated by hand or with simple mechanical aids. Nowadays, computers and sophisticated statistical procedures can break (render useless) most of these "classical" ciphers. But the one you'll learn here, the one-time pad, is unbreakable if used correctly: No amount of time, mathematical genius, or computing power can defeat it.

What a One-Time Pad Looks Like

The one-time pad gets its name from little pads of paper that some Cold War spies carried in order to use the cipher. A pad was a collection of sheets, each covered in random numbers, usually in groups of five digits:

          Key 21956

94809 08073 46992 97968 50891
04507 18697 90662 68118 29582
09502 02598 57719 04014 31783
43527 78015 38275 48739 53685
18989 94226 87427 30332 34767
02247 40442 85884 84779 78675
22582 62749 68854 28269 32996
15942 43445 87924 42588 14951
01202 43987 58983 71268 19516
64844 22101 07391 68238 65637

Each sheet is called a key and has a numeric key ID. We'll give keys random 5-digit key IDs for reasons I'll explain later.

Each key has exactly two copies: one for the sender and one for the receiver. Both sender and receiver must keep their keys absolutely secret: They can't reveal them or even hint at their existence to anyone. And when they finish using their keys, they destroy them, usually by burning or ingesting them. We'll investigate why this is necessary below.

Creating Keys

To use the one-time pad, you'll need to create keys. You'll need:

  1. two sheets of paper per key
  2. a pen or pencil; and
  3. one or more 10-sided dice (5 is recommended).

Here's my recommended procedure. It assumes you're using only one 10-sided die labeled 0 to 9 (if it's labeled 1-10, subtract 1 from each die roll):

  1. Roll the die 5 times to generate the key's ID, a 5-digit number. (If you already have a key with that ID, try again by rolling 5 more times.) Write it at the top of the sheet of paper and clearly label it the key's ID.
  2. Decide with your partner (usually in advance) your maximum message length in digits. Call this number M.
  3. Roll the die M times and write the results on the sheet of paper. Create groups of 5 digits for ease of use.
  4. The key is complete. Give your partner a copy in person (or through a trusted courier) and keep the original for yourself.

Create many keys and deliver their copies to your partner in bulk. This reduces how often you have to create and deliver new ones.

Why should you create random 5-digit key IDs? Why not use sequential key IDs (1, 2, 3, and so on)? Encrypted messages include key IDs, so if you were to use sequential key IDs, anyone who intercepts your messages would discover how many you've already sent. Random key IDs hide how many messages you've written.

Encrypting Messages

Before you encrypt a message, you and your partner need to decide:

  1. which alphabet (set of symbols) your messages will contain, such as English letters plus decimal digits, spaces, and punctuation
  2. how you'll translate those symbols to and from decimal digits (0-9); and
  3. how many digits your key IDs have (we assumed 5 in the "Creating Keys" section).

For an example alphabet and a way to translate its symbols to and from decimal digits, see the CT-37c translation table on this website. This table is excellent for English messages, but you can create any scheme you want. Make sure your partner knows the scheme. (Note: Neither the alphabet nor the translation scheme needs to be secret.)

To encrypt a message:

  1. Translate the message's symbols into decimal digits per your agreed-upon scheme. (Warning: The message isn't encrypted yet!)
  2. Choose an unused key.
  3. Write the translated message's decimal digits above the key's digits. (Ignore the key's ID for now.)
  4. For each digit in the translated message, subtract the key digit below it, modulo 10. (If the result is less than 0, add 10.) Write the result underneath the key digit. The resulting digits are the encrypted message — the ciphertext.
  5. Send your partner the key's ID and the ciphertext (in that order).
  6. Burn the key and any scratch paper you used.

For example, suppose your secret message is:

meet at 5pm

Suppose you and your partner agreed to use the CT-37c translation table to convert messages to and from decimal digits. Using this table, encode your message as:

m  e e t _  a t _  5       p  m
79 6 6 3 99 2 3 99 9055590 80 79

Suppose you choose the following unused key:

          Key 21956

94809 08073 46992 97968 50891

04507 18697 90662 68118 29582

Write your encoded message's digits above the key's digits (ignoring the key ID's digits):

          Key 21956
79663 99239 99055 59080 79
94809 08073 46992 97968 50891

04507 18697 90662 68118 29582

For each digit you wrote, subtract the key digit below it, modulo 10, and write the result underneath the key's digits:

          Key 21956
79663 99239 99055 59080 79
94809 08073 46992 97968 50891
85864 91266 53163 62122 29

04507 18697 90662 68118 29582

Those digits are your encrypted message. Send your partner the key's ID and the encrypted message:

21956 85864 91266 53163 62122 29

Finally, burn the key and any scratch paper you used.

Decrypting Messages

Decryption is the reverse of encryption. To decrypt a message:

  1. If your key IDs have D digits, remove the first D digits from the ciphertext. This is the ID of the key the sender used. Find the key with that ID. If you have no such key, ignore the message.
  2. Write the ciphertext's remaining digits above the key's digits. (Ignore the key ID's digits.)
  3. For each digit you wrote, add the key digit below it, modulo 10. (If the result is 10 or greater, subtract 10.) Write the result underneath the key digit. The resulting digits are the encoded plaintext.
  4. Translate the encoded plaintext into your alphabet's symbols using your agreed-upon scheme.
  5. Burn the key and any scratch paper you used.

For example, suppose you receive this message:

21956 85864 91266 53163 62122 29

Suppose the sender and you agreed to use 5-digit key IDs. Then 21956 is the key's ID. You find that key, which looks like this:

          Key 21956

94809 08073 46992 97968 50891

04507 18697 90662 68118 29582

Remove 21956 from the message and write the remaining ciphertext digits on top of the key's digits (ignoring the key ID's digits):

          Key 21956
85864 91266 53163 62122 29
94809 08073 46992 97968 50891

04507 18697 90662 68118 29582

For each digit you wrote, add the key digit below it, modulo 10, and write the result underneath the key's digits:

          Key 21956
85864 91266 53163 62122 29
94809 08073 46992 97968 50891
79663 99239 99055 59080 79

04507 18697 90662 68118 29582

Those digits are the decrypted (but still encoded) message. If you and your partner agreed to use the CT-37c translation table to convert messages to and from decimal digits, use it to decode the message:

79 6 6 3 99 2 3 99 9055590 80 79
m  e e t _  a t _  5       p  m

The sender's secret message is "meet at 5pm".

Finally, burn the key and any scratch paper you used.

How the One-Time Pad Works

Each digit of a key obscures a single digit of a secret message. If the secret message's digit is mi and the key digit is ki, the resulting encrypted message (ciphertext) digit ci is:

cimi + ki   (mod 10)

Since all three values are single decimal digits 0 to 9, for any given ci and mi, there is exactly one ki for which the above is true.

Attackers who see ci but know neither mi nor ki must solve one equation with two unknown variables. This is impossible because there are many mi and ki combinations that produce ci.

Furthermore, ki was chosen uniformly at random independently of the key's other digits. From an attacker's perspective, all mi are equally likely because all ki are equally likely. This means the encrypted message:

 c  = 89762 00253 23110

could be any 15-digit secret message. One key k1 would decrypt it to:

 c  = 89762 00253 23110
+k1 = 90901 23738 35969
 m1 = 79663 23981 58079 ("meetat5pm")

But an equally-likely key (from the attacker's perspective) k2 would decrypt the message to:

 c  = 89762 00253 23110
+k2 = 07551 23509 56581
 m2 = 86213 23754 79691 ("waitathome.")

Both k1 and k2 are equally likely from an attacker's perspective, so m1 and m2 are also equally likely. In fact, all keys are equally likely, so given the encrypted message c alone, attackers cannot guess what the secret message is because all secret messages are equally likely!

One-Time Pad Guarantees

Used correctly, one-time pads guarantee the following:

  1. Anyone reading encrypted messages (ciphertexts) without knowing the keys that generated them cannot decrypt them, not even with infinite time and computing power. Ciphertexts are indecipherable forever. This guarantee is called perfect secrecy. The previous section illustrated why the one-time pad guarantees it.
  2. Anyone who knows part of a key can only decrypt the portion of a ciphertext that used that part of the key. The rest of the ciphertext remains indecipherable.

Requirements for Perfect Secrecy

You only get the one-time pad's guarantees if you do all of the following:

  1. Key digits must be completely and uniformly random. Do not make up digits in your head or use computers to generate random numbers: People are terrible at creating random numbers and computers are deterministic. Physical processes like rolling 10-sided dice produce truly random numbers.
  2. Never reuse keys in whole or in part. When you finish using a key, burn it. If an encoded message has more digits than your key, you cannot use that key to encrypt the message. Make sure your keys are as long as the longest messages you and your partner expect to send. (You could break a long message into multiple messages and encrypt each piece with a different key.)
  3. Keep your keys absolutely secret. Never share them with anyone except your partner. If you suspect that a key has been compromised, destroy it immediately.
  4. Distribute key copies to your partner in person or using a trusted courier. The one-time pad is as secure as the means you use to distribute key copies to your partner and the means you use to keep them secret. If you send keys by email, your encrypted messages will only be as safe as email. If you send keys by regular mail, your encrypted messages will only be as safe as your country's postal system.
  5. Destroy keys by burning them. You must prevent people from recovering your used keys. Burning is the most effective method. (Some Cold War one-time pads were printed on paper treated with nitrocellulose so that they burned completely without leaving ashes. Sometimes spies ingested keys in emergencies.)

If you neglect any of these requirements, your messages will be vulnerable. There are many examples throughout modern history of people who forgot these requirements or took shortcuts and subsequently left their messages open to attack. For example:

  1. If your keys aren't truly and uniformly random, but the products of deterministic processes (like mathematical functions or computer programs), attackers with enough computing power can guess what the processes are and recreate your keys.
  2. If you reuse parts of your keys for the same or different messages, attackers can compare your messages with sophisticated statistical analyses and decrypt them.
  3. If you don't secure your keys or securely distribute them to your partner, attackers can intercept, copy, and use them to decrypt messages that use those keys.
  4. If you don't destroy keys after you use them, or if you don't destroy them well enough (you shred them, for example, or simply throw them into the trash or recycling), attackers can recover all or parts of your keys and decrypt messages that used those keys.

One-Time Pad Weaknesses

Despite its perfect secrecy guarantee, one-time pads have serious weaknesses that deter people from using them:

  1. Keys must be large. Specifically, keys must be at least as long as the messages you wish to encrypt. Modern ciphers with weaker security guarantees use short, reusable keys.
  2. Keys must be truly random. Generating truly random numbers is slow because it relies on physical processes, such as rolling dice. Modern ciphers often use pseudorandom numbers — numbers that look random but are generated by deterministic computer programs.
  3. Keys must be securely distributed and stored. The one-time pad is only as secure as the way you distribute and store keys. Modern cryptosystems rely on public key cryptography, which can securely distribute keys on unsecure channels (such as the Internet), though without perfect secrecy.
  4. Attackers who know or can guess parts of encrypted messages (ciphertexts) can modify those parts. In other words, one-time-pad-encrypted messages are vulnerable to modification. If your message is "send $500 to me" and the attacker knows this, he can change it to "send $999 to me", "burn your money", or any message of the same length. To protect against such modifications, you'll have to use other techniques, such as message authentication codes.

Example Program

These Python functions encrypt and decrypt a plaintext string of digits using a one-time pad, respectively:

import re

digits = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+$')

def digit(x: str) -> int:
    return ord(x) - 48   # ASCII code for '0'

def otp_encrypt(plaintext: str, otp_key: str) -> str:
    if not digits.match(plaintext):
        raise Exception("plaintext has non-digit characters")
    elif not digits.match(otp_key):
        raise Exception("key has non-digit characters")
    elif len(plaintext) > len(otp_key):
        raise Exception("key is too short")
    return ''.join(chr((ord(v[0]) - ord(v[1])) % 10 + 48) for v in zip(plaintext, otp_key))

def otp_decrypt(ciphertext: str, otp_key: str) -> str:
    if not digits.match(ciphertext):
        raise Exception("ciphertext has non-digit characters")
    elif not digits.match(otp_key):
        raise Exception("key has non-digit characters")
    elif len(ciphertext) > len(otp_key):
        raise Exception("key is too short")
    return ''.join(chr((digit(v[0]) + digit(v[1])) % 10 + 48) for v in zip(ciphertext, otp_key))